Monday, December 14, 2015

Winter's Greenery and Potting Soil

I'll admit that the majority of my winters have been frozen, and I spent them under a pile of blankets, peering through the tiniest of openings to read a favorite book. 
This Christmas I'm spending time in a different winter wonderland. Walking into a greenhouse is one of the loveliest experiences... With the smell of soil and herbs and growing things. Even the spiders don't bother me in this microcosm of beauty. 
Every shade of green is soaking up the warm, damp air full of sunshine.  Some brave plants are still blooming and add their bright splashes of color to the scene. 
I was trying to pot a few plants, and in the end, all of my little projects were finished, despite the antics of Charles ( the incorrigible cat). No plant was safe from a taste test. 

He thinks he's handsome and hogs the camera (and unceremoniously trips me). For every picture like this :
There's three pictures like this : 
Anyway... Back to project pictures! The box of magical things that I got at a Nursery this weekend. Those places are made of happiness and sunshine. 
Potting soil, dirt, and a tiny bit of anxiety about the fragile little stalks, and voilĂ ! Little pot of plants. And drumroll please!! ....

Two extra pots of dirt. ;) 
In a couple months they'll be mini daffodils though, so everyone wins in the end. 
Only a few days till christmas, so I guess I better wash the dirt off my hands (and face, and clothes and shoes...) so I can finish shopping. Have a beautiful day!